Infertility affects an estimated 15% of couples globally, amounting to 48.5 million couples. Males are found to be solely responsible for 20-30% of infertility cases and contribute to 50% of cases overall.

The main causes for this decrease in the quantity and quality of sperm is probably due to an increased exposure to pollutants in our environment as well as an increase in exposure to exogenous estrogenic and/or estrogenic like activity in our environment (such as plastic and water supply). Poor nutrition, alcohol, cigarette smoking, recreational drug intake, caffeine, hot baths, cycling and stress are other factors which negatively impact male fertility.

A history of undescended testicles as a child, sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia or gonorrhea), prostatitis (which can lower sperm count and motility) or trauma to the testicles can all be factors lowering sperm count and quality.

Problems with sperm include:

  • Low volume (should be greater than 1.5ml)
  • Low sperm count (should be at least 15 million per ml)
  • Poor motility (should be at least 50%)
  • Poor morphology (i.e. abnormalities – should be at least 4% normal forms)
  • Liquefaction problems (the semen remains too coagulated so that sperm is not release sufficiently after ejaculation.
  • Varicocele (abnormal dilation of the veins within the testes)
  • Acrosome abnormalities which prevent the sperm from penetrating the egg
  • Anti-sperm antibodies
  • Presence of other cells and identification of leukocytes
  • DNA sperm fragmentation
  • Retrograde ejaculation

Treating male infertility with acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine:

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) may represent a useful option for infertile men. It has been demonstrated that TCM can regulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis and boost the function of Sertoli cells (spermatogenesis) and Leydig cells (secrets testosterone). TCM can also alleviate inflammation, prevent oxidative stress, reduce the DNA fragmentation index, and modulate the proliferation and apoptosis of germ cells. Furthermore, TCM can supply trace elements and vitamins, ameliorate the microcirculation of the testis, decrease the levels of serum anti-sperm antibody, and modify epigenetic markers.